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Alkalbani, A. S., Mantoro, T..  2017.  Security Comparison between Dynamic Static WSN for 5g Networks. 2017 Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). :1–4.
In the recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and its applications have obtained considerable momentum. However, security and power limits of these networks are still important matters as security and power limits remain an important problem in WSN. This paper contributes to provide a simulation-based analysis of the energy efficiency, accuracy and path length of static and dynamic wireless sensor networks for 5G environment. Results are analyzed and discussed to show the difference between these two types of sensor networks. The static networks more accurate than dynamic networks. Data move from source to destination in shortest path in dynamic networks compared to static ones.
Alkalbani, A. S., Mantoro, T..  2017.  Security Comparison between Dynamic Static WSN for 5g Networks. 2017 Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). :1–4.
In the recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and its applications have obtained considerable momentum. However, security and power limits of these networks are still important matters as security and power limits remain an important problem in WSN. This paper contributes to provide a simulation-based analysis of the energy efficiency, accuracy and path length of static and dynamic wireless sensor networks for 5G environment. Results are analyzed and discussed to show the difference between these two types of sensor networks. The static networks more accurate than dynamic networks. Data move from source to destination in shortest path in dynamic networks compared to static ones.