Increased availability of mobile cameras has led to more opportunities for people to record videos of significantly more of their lives. Many times people want to share these videos, but only to certain people who were co-present. Since the videos may be of a large event where the attendees are not necessarily known, we need a method for proving co-presence without revealing information before co-presence is proven. In this demonstration, we present a privacy-preserving method for comparing the similarity of two videos without revealing the contents of either video. This technique leverages the Similarity of Simultaneous Observation technique for detecting hidden webcams and modifies the existing algorithms so that they are computationally feasible to run under fully homomorphic encryption scheme on modern mobile devices. The demonstration will consist of a variety of devices preloaded with our software. We will demonstrate the video sharing software performing comparisons in real time. We will also make the software available to Android devices via a QR code so that participants can record and exchange their own videos.
Cloud computing has emerged as a compelling vision for managing data and delivering query answering capability over the internet. This new way of computing also poses a real risk of disclosing confidential information to the cloud. Searchable encryption addresses this issue by allowing the cloud to compute the answer to a query based on the cipher texts of data and queries. Thanks to its inner product preservation property, the asymmetric scalar-product-preserving encryption (ASPE) has been adopted and enhanced in a growing number of works toperform a variety of queries and tasks in the cloud computingsetting. However, the security property of ASPE and its enhancedschemes has not been studied carefully. In this paper, we show acomplete disclosure of ASPE and several previously unknownsecurity risks of its enhanced schemes. Meanwhile, efficientalgorithms are proposed to learn the plaintext of data and queriesencrypted by these schemes with little or no knowledge beyondthe ciphertexts. We demonstrate these risks on real data sets.