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The Price of Anarchy in Transportation Networks: Data-Driven Evaluation and Reduction Strategies. Proceedings of the IEEE: special issue on "Smart Cities''.
Statistical Anomaly Detection via Composite Hypothesis Testing for Markov Models. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing.
2018. accepted
Data-Driven Estimation of Travel Latency Cost Functions via Inverse Optimization in Multi-Class Transportation Networks. Proceedings of IEEE 56th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (to appear), arXiv:1703.04010.
Data-driven Estimation of Origin-Destination Demand and User Cost Functions for the Optimization of Transportation Networks. Proceedings of 20th IFAC World Congress, arXiv:1610.09580. :10090-10095.
The price of anarchy in transportation networks by estimating user cost functions from actual traffic data. Proceedings of IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :789-794.
An Improved Composite Hypothesis Test for Markov Models with Applications in Network Anomaly Detection. Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3810–3815.