
Filters: Author is Song, WenZhan  [Clear All Filters]
Coshatt, Stephen J., Li, Qi, Yang, Bowen, Wu, Shushan, Shrivastava, Darpan, Ye, Jin, Song, WenZhan, Zahiri, Feraidoon.  2022.  Design of Cyber-Physical Security Testbed for Multi-Stage Manufacturing System. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1978—1983.
As cyber-physical systems are becoming more wide spread, it is imperative to secure these systems. In the real world these systems produce large amounts of data. However, it is generally impractical to test security techniques on operational cyber-physical systems. Thus, there exists a need to have realistic systems and data for testing security of cyber-physical systems [1]. This is often done in testbeds and cyber ranges. Most cyber ranges and testbeds focus on traditional network systems and few incorporate cyber-physical components. When they do, the cyber-physical components are often simulated. In the systems that incorporate cyber-physical components, generally only the network data is analyzed for attack detection and diagnosis. While there is some study in using physical signals to detect and diagnosis attacks, this data is not incorporated into current testbeds and cyber ranges. This study surveys currents testbeds and cyber ranges and demonstrates a prototype testbed that includes cyber-physical components and sensor data in addition to traditional cyber data monitoring.
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Michael Stewart, Lang Tong.  2015.  Construct Data Integrity Attacks Against Real-Time Electrical Market in Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm).
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Steve Yothment, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong.  2015.  ScorePlus: An Integrated Scalable Cyber-Physical Experiment Environment for Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON).