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Building Applications with Homomorphic Encryption. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2160–2162.
2018. In 2009, Craig Gentry introduced the first "fully" homomorphic encryption scheme allowing arbitrary circuits to be evaluated on encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption is a very powerful cryptographic primitive, though it has often been viewed by practitioners as too inefficient for practical applications. However, the performance of these encryption schemes has come a long way from that of Gentry's original work: there are now several well-maintained libraries implementing homomorphic encryption schemes and protocols demonstrating impressive performance results, alongside an ongoing standardization effort by the community. In this tutorial we survey the existing homomorphic encryption landscape, providing both a general overview of the state of the art, as well as a deeper dive into several of the existing libraries. We aim to provide a thorough introduction to homomorphic encryption accessible by the broader computer security community. Several of the presenters are core developers of well-known publicly available homomorphic encryption libraries, and organizers of the homomorphic encryption standardization effort \textbackslashtextbackslashhref This tutorial is targeted at application developers, security researchers, privacy engineers, graduate students, and anyone else interested in learning the basics of modern homomorphic encryption.The tutorial is divided into two parts: Part I is accessible by everyone comfortable with basic college-level math; Part II will cover more advanced topics, including descriptions of some of the different homomorphic encryption schemes and libraries, concrete example applications and code samples, and a deeper discussion on implementation challenges. Part II requires the audience to be familiar with modern C++.
An Approach to Botnet Malware Detection Using Nonparametric Bayesian Methods. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :75:1–75:9.
2017. Botnet malware, which infects Internet-connected devices and seizes control for a remote botmaster, is a long-standing threat to Internet-connected users and systems. Botnets are used to conduct DDoS attacks, distributed computing (e.g., mining bitcoins), spread electronic spam and malware, conduct cyberwarfare, conduct click-fraud scams, and steal personal user information. Current approaches to the detection and classification of botnet malware include syntactic, or signature-based, and semantic, or context-based, detection techniques. Both methods have shortcomings and botnets remain a persistent threat. In this paper, we propose a method of botnet detection using Nonparametric Bayesian Methods.