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Abdulqadder, I. H., Zou, D., Aziz, I. T., Yuan, B..  2017.  Modeling software defined security using multi-level security mechanism for SDN environment. 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). :1342–1346.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) support several administrators for quicker access of resources due to its manageability, cost-effectiveness and adaptability. Even though SDN is beneficial it also exists with security based challenges due to many vulnerable threats. Participation of such threats increases their impact and risk level. In this paper a multi-level security mechanism is proposed over SDN architecture design. In each level the flow packet is analyzed using different metric and finally it reaches a secure controller for processing. Benign flow packets are differentiated from non-benign flow by means of the packet features. Initially routers verify user, secondly policies are verified by using dual-fuzzy logic design and thirdly controllers are authenticated using signature based authentication before assigning flow packets. This work aims to enhance entire security of developed SDN environment. SDN architecture is implemented in OMNeT++ simulation tool that supports OpenFlow switches and controllers. Finally experimental results show better performances in following performance metrics as throughput, time consumption and jitter.