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Razack, Aquib Junaid, Ajith, Vysyakh, Gupta, Rajiv.  2021.  A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Traffic Signal Control. 2021 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech). :1–7.
Traffic Signal Control using Reinforcement Learning has been proved to have potential in alleviating traffic congestion in urban areas. Although research has been conducted in this field, it is still an open challenge to find an effective but low-cost solution to this problem. This paper presents multiple deep reinforcement learning-based traffic signal control systems that can help regulate the flow of traffic at intersections and then compares the results. The proposed systems are coupled with SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility), an agent-based simulator that provides a realistic environment to explore the outcomes of the models.
Vora, Keval, Tian, Chen, Gupta, Rajiv, Hu, Ziang.  2017.  CoRAL: Confined Recovery in Distributed Asynchronous Graph Processing. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :223–236.
Existing distributed asynchronous graph processing systems employ checkpointing to capture globally consistent snapshots and rollback all machines to most recent checkpoint to recover from machine failures. In this paper we argue that recovery in distributed asynchronous graph processing does not require the entire execution state to be rolled back to a globally consistent state due to the relaxed asynchronous execution semantics. We define the properties required in the recovered state for it to be usable for correct asynchronous processing and develop CoRAL, a lightweight checkpointing and recovery algorithm. First, this algorithm carries out confined recovery that only rolls back graph execution states of the failed machines to affect recovery. Second, it relies upon lightweight checkpoints that capture locally consistent snapshots with a reduced peak network bandwidth requirement. Our experiments using real-world graphs show that our technique recovers from failures and finishes processing 1.5x to 3.2x faster compared to the traditional asynchronous checkpointing and recovery mechanism when failures impact 1 to 6 machines of a 16 machine cluster. Moreover, capturing locally consistent snapshots significantly reduces intermittent high peak bandwidth usage required to save the snapshots – the average reduction in 99th percentile bandwidth ranges from 22% to 51% while 1 to 6 snapshot replicas are being maintained.