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Krishna, M. B., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C..  2017.  Two-Phase Incentive-Based Secure Key System for Data Management in Internet of Things. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.

Internet of Things (IoT) distributed secure data management system is characterized by authentication, privacy policies to preserve data integrity. Multi-phase security and privacy policies ensure confidentiality and trust between the users and service providers. In this regard, we present a novel Two-phase Incentive-based Secure Key (TISK) system for distributed data management in IoT. The proposed system classifies the IoT user nodes and assigns low-level, high-level security keys for data transactions. Low-level secure keys are generic light-weight keys used by the data collector nodes and data aggregator nodes for trusted transactions. TISK phase-I Generic Service Manager (GSM-C) module verifies the IoT devices based on self-trust incentive and server-trust incentive levels. High-level secure keys are dedicated special purpose keys utilized by data manager nodes and data expert nodes for authorized transactions. TISK phase-II Dedicated Service Manager (DSM-C) module verifies the certificates issued by GSM-C module. DSM-C module further issues high-level secure keys to data manager nodes and data expert nodes for specific purpose transactions. Simulation results indicate that the proposed TISK system reduces the key complexity and key cost to ensure distributed secure data management in IoT network.