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Zeng, Qiang, Luo, Lannan, Qian, Zhiyun, Du, Xiaojiang, Li, Zhoujun.  2018.  Resilient Decentralized Android Application Repackaging Detection Using Logic Bombs. Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. :50–61.

Application repackaging is a severe threat to Android users and the market. Existing countermeasures mostly detect repackaging based on app similarity measurement and rely on a central party to perform detection, which is unscalable and imprecise. We instead consider building the detection capability into apps, such that user devices are made use of to detect repackaging in a decentralized fashion. The main challenge is how to protect repackaging detection code from attacks. We propose a creative use of logic bombs, which are regularly used in malware, to conquer the challenge. A novel bomb structure is invented and used: the trigger conditions are constructed to exploit the differences between the attacker and users, such that a bomb that lies dormant on the attacker side will be activated on one of the user devices, while the repackaging detection code, which is packed as the bomb payload, is kept inactive until the trigger conditions are satisfied. Moreover, the repackaging detection code is woven into the original app code and gets encrypted; thus, attacks by modifying or deleting suspicious code will corrupt the app itself. We have implemented a prototype, named BombDroid, that builds the repackaging detection into apps through bytecode instrumentation, and the evaluation shows that the technique is effective, efficient, and resilient to various adversary analysis including symbol execution, multi-path exploration, and program slicing.

Yang, Dejian, Wang, Senzhang, Li, Chaozhuo, Zhang, Xiaoming, Li, Zhoujun.  2017.  From Properties to Links: Deep Network Embedding on Incomplete Graphs. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :367–376.
As an effective way of learning node representations in networks, network embedding has attracted increasing research interests recently. Most existing approaches use shallow models and only work on static networks by extracting local or global topology information of each node as the algorithm input. It is challenging for such approaches to learn a desirable node representation on incomplete graphs with a large number of missing links or on dynamic graphs with new nodes joining in. It is even challenging for them to deeply fuse other types of data such as node properties into the learning process to help better represent the nodes with insufficient links. In this paper, we for the first time study the problem of network embedding on incomplete networks. We propose a Multi-View Correlation-learning based Deep Network Embedding method named MVC-DNE to incorporate both the network structure and the node properties for more effectively and efficiently perform network embedding on incomplete networks. Specifically, we consider the topology structure of the network and the node properties as two correlated views. The insight is that the learned representation vector of a node should reflect its characteristics in both views. Under a multi-view correlation learning based deep autoencoder framework, the structure view and property view embeddings are integrated and mutually reinforced through both self-view and cross-view learning. As MVC-DNE can learn a representation mapping function, it can directly generate the representation vectors for the new nodes without retraining the model. Thus it is especially more efficient than previous methods. Empirically, we evaluate MVC-DNE over three real network datasets on two data mining applications, and the results demonstrate that MVC-DNE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.