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Upadhyay, H., Gohel, H. A., Pons, A., Lagos, L..  2018.  Windows Virtualization Architecture For Cyber Threats Detection. 2018 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :119–122.

This is very true for the Windows operating system (OS) used by government and private organizations. With Windows, the closed source nature of the operating system has unfortunately meant that hidden security issues are discovered very late and the fixes are not found in real time. There needs to be a reexamination of current static methods of malware detection. This paper presents an integrated system for automated and real-time monitoring and prediction of rootkit and malware threats for the Windows OS. We propose to host the target Windows machines on the widely used Xen hypervisor, and collect process behavior using virtual memory introspection (VMI). The collected data will be analyzed using state of the art machine learning techniques to quickly isolate malicious process behavior and alert system administrators about potential cyber breaches. This research has two focus areas: identifying memory data structures and developing prediction tools to detect malware. The first part of research focuses on identifying memory data structures affected by malware. This includes extracting the kernel data structures with VMI that are frequently targeted by rootkits/malware. The second part of the research will involve development of a prediction tool using machine learning techniques.