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Abdelwahed, N., Letaifa, A. Ben, Asmi, S. El.  2018.  Content Based Algorithm Aiming to Improve the WEB\_QoE Over SDN Networks. 2018 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA). :153–158.
Since the 1990s, the concept of QoE has been increasingly present and many scientists take it into account within different fields of application. Taking for example the case of video streaming, the QoE has been well studied in this case while for the web the study of its QoE is relatively neglected. The Quality of Experience (QoE) is the set of objective and subjective characteristics that satisfy retain or give confidence to a user through the life cycle of a service. There are researches that take the different measurement metrics of QoE as a subject, others attack new ways to improve this QoE in order to satisfy the customer and gain his loyalty. In this paper, we focus on the web QoE that is declined by researches despite its great importance given the complexity of new web pages and their utility that is increasingly critical. The wealth of new web pages in images, videos, audios etc. and their growing significance prompt us to write this paper, in which we discuss a new method that aims to improve the web QoE in a software-defined network (SDN). Our proposed method consists in automating and making more flexible the management of the QoE improvement of the web pages and this by writing an algorithm that, depending on the case, chooses the necessary treatment to improve the web QoE of the page concerned and using both web prefetching and caching to accelerate the data transfer when the user asks for it. The first part of the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of existing works. In the second part we propose an automatic algorithm that treats each case with the appropriate solution that guarantees its best performance. The last part is devoted to the evaluation of the performance.
Arfaoui, A., Kribeche, A., Boudia, O. R. M., Letaifa, A. Ben, Senouci, S. M., Hamdi, M..  2018.  Context-Aware Authorization and Anonymous Authentication in Wireless Body Area Networks. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–7.

With the pervasiveness of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rapid progress of wireless communications, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have attracted significant interest from the research community in recent years. As a promising networking paradigm, it is adopted to improve the healthcare services and create a highly reliable ubiquitous healthcare system. However, the flourish of WBANs still faces many challenges related to security and privacy preserving. In such pervasive environment where the context conditions dynamically and frequently change, context-aware solutions are needed to satisfy the users' changing needs. Therefore, it is essential to design an adaptive access control scheme that can simultaneously authorize and authenticate users while considering the dynamic context changes. In this paper, we propose a context-aware access control and anonymous authentication approach based on a secure and efficient Hybrid Certificateless Signcryption (H-CLSC) scheme. The proposed scheme combines the merits of Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Signcryption (CP-ABSC) and Identity-Based Broadcast Signcryption (IBBSC) in order to satisfy the security requirements and provide an adaptive contextual privacy. From a security perspective, it achieves confidentiality, integrity, anonymity, context-aware privacy, public verifiability, and ciphertext authenticity. Moreover, the key escrow and public key certificate problems are solved through this mechanism. Performance analysis demonstrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme compared to benchmark schemes in terms of functional security, storage, communication and computational cost.