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Sekar, K. R., Gayathri, V., Anisha, G., Ravichandran, K. S., Manikandan, R..  2018.  Dynamic Honeypot Configuration for Intrusion Detection. 2018 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). :1397-1401.

The objective of the Honeypot security system is a mechanism to identify the unauthorized users and intruders in the network. The enterprise level security can be possible via high scalability. The whole theme behind this research is an Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention system factors accomplished through honeypot and honey trap methodology. Dynamic Configuration of honey pot is the milestone for this mechanism. Eight different methodologies were deployed to catch the Intruders who utilizing the unsecured network through the unused IP address. The method adapted here to identify and trap through honeypot mechanism activity. The result obtained is, intruders find difficulty in gaining information from the network, which helps a lot of the industries. Honeypot can utilize the real OS and partially through high interaction and low interaction respectively. The research work concludes the network activity and traffic can also be tracked through honeypot. This provides added security to the secured network. Detection, prevention and response are the categories available, and moreover, it detects and confuses the hackers.