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Oohama, Y., Santoso, B..  2018.  Information Theoretical Analysis of Side-Channel Attacks to the Shannon Cipher System. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :581-585.
We study side-channel attacks for the Shannon cipher system. To pose side channel-attacks to the Shannon cipher system, we regard them as a signal estimation via encoded data from two distributed sensors. This can be formulated as the one helper source coding problem posed and investigated by Ahlswede, Korner(1975), and Wyner(1975). We further investigate the posed problem to derive new secrecy bounds. Our results are derived by a coupling of the result Watanabe and Oohama(2012) obtained on bounded storage eavesdropper with the exponential strong converse theorem Oohama(2015) established for the one helper source coding problem.