
Filters: Author is Goncharov, I. V.  [Clear All Filters]
Goncharov, N. I., Goncharov, I. V., Parinov, P. A., Dushkin, A. V., Maximova, M. M..  2019.  Modeling of Information Processes for Modern Information System Security Assessment. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1758-1763.

A new approach of a formalism of hybrid automatons has been proposed for the analysis of conflict processes between the information system and the information's security malefactor. An example of probability-based assessment on malefactor's victory has been given and the possibility to abstract from a specific type of probability density function for the residence time of parties to the conflict in their possible states. A model of the distribution of destructive informational influences in the information system to connect the process of spread of destructive information processes and the process of changing subjects' states of the information system has been proposed. An example of the destructive information processes spread analysis has been given.