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Ma, S..  2018.  Towards Effective Genetic Trust Evaluation in Open Network. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :563–569.
In open network environments, since there is no centralized authority to monitor misbehaving entities, malicious entities can easily cause the degradation of the service quality. Trust has become an important factor to ensure network security, which can help entities to distinguish good partners from bad ones. In this paper, trust in open network environment is regarded as a self-organizing system, using self-organization principle of human social trust propagation, a genetic trust evaluation method with self-optimization and family attributes is proposed. In this method, factors of trust evaluation include time, IP, behavior feedback and intuitive trust. Data structure of access record table and trust record table are designed to store the relationship between ancestor nodes and descendant nodes. A genetic trust search algorithm is designed by simulating the biological evolution process. Based on trust information of the current node's ancestors, heuristics generate randomly chromosome populations, whose structure includes time, IP address, behavior feedback and intuitive trust. Then crossover and mutation strategy is used to make the population evolutionary searching. According to the genetic searching termination condition, the optimal trust chromosome in the population is selected, and trust value of the chromosome is computed, which is the node's genetic trust evaluation result. The simulation result shows that the genetic trust evaluation method is effective, and trust evaluation process of the current node can be regarded as the process of searching for optimal trust results from the ancestor nodes' information. With increasing of ancestor nodes' genetic trust information, the trust evaluation result from genetic algorithm searching is more accurate, which can effectively solve the joint fraud problem.
Ma, S., Zeng, S., Guo, J..  2018.  Research on Trust Degree Model of Fault Alarms Based on Neural Network. 2018 12th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety (ICRMS). :73-77.

False alarm and miss are two general kinds of alarm errors and they can decrease operator's trust in the alarm system. Specifically, there are two different forms of trust in such systems, represented by two kinds of responses to alarms in this research. One is compliance and the other is reliance. Besides false alarm and miss, the two responses are differentially affected by properties of the alarm system, situational factors or operator factors. However, most of the existing studies have qualitatively analyzed the relationship between a single variable and the two responses. In this research, all available experimental studies are identified through database searches using keyword "compliance and reliance" without restriction on year of publication to December 2017. Six relevant studies and fifty-two sets of key data are obtained as the data base of this research. Furthermore, neural network is adopted as a tool to establish the quantitative relationship between multiple factors and the two forms of trust, respectively. The result will be of great significance to further study the influence of human decision making on the overall fault detection rate and the false alarm rate of the human machine system.