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Bhusari, A. A., Jawandhiya, P. M., Thakare, V. M..  2018.  Optimizing Performance of Anonymity Based Secure Routing Protocol Utilizing Cross Layer Design for Mobile Adhoc Networks. 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA). :1-6.

Cross layer based approaches are increasingly becoming popular in Manet (Mobile Adhoc Network). As Manet are constrained with issues as low battery, limited bandwidth, link breakage and dynamic topology, cross layer based designs are trying to remove such barriers and trying to make Manet more scalable. Cross layer designs are also facing attacking problem and ensuring the security of network to defend the attack is must. In this paper we discuss about technique to optimize the performance by minimizing delay and overhead of secure cross layer routing protocol. We have designed SCLPC (Secure cross layer based Power control) protocol. But when security is imposed using AASR (Authenticated and anonymous secure routing), the network metrics as end to end delay and control overhead is disturbed. To optimize the network performance here we proposed OSCLPC (Optimized secure cross layer based power control protocol). The proposed OSCLPC has been evaluated using SHORT (Self healing and optimizing route technique). The OSCLPC is simulated in ns2 and it is giving the better performance compared with SCLPC.