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Kalokyri, Varvara, Borgida, Alexander, Marian, Amélie.  2018.  YourDigitalSelf: A Personal Digital Trace Integration Tool. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :1963–1966.
Personal information is typically fragmented across multiple, heterogeneous, distributed sources and saved as small, heterogeneous data objects, or traces. The DigitalSelf project at Rutgers University focuses on developing tools and techniques to manage (organize, search, summarize, make inferences on and personalize) such heterogeneous collections of personal digital traces. We propose to demonstrate YourDigitalSelf, a mobile phone-based personal information organization application developed as part of the DigitalSelf project. The demonstration will use a sample user data set to show how several disparate data traces can be integrated and combined to create personal narratives, or coherent episodes, of the user's activities. Conference attendees will be given the option to install YourDigitalSelf on their own devices to interact with their own data.