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A Practical and Secure Stateless Order Preserving Encryption for Outsourced Databases. 2021 IEEE 26th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). :133—142.
2021. Order-preserving encryption (OPE) plays an important role in securing outsourced databases. OPE schemes can be either Stateless or Stateful. Stateful schemes can achieve the ideal security of order-preserving encryption, i.e., “reveal no information about the plaintexts besides order.” However, comparing to stateless schemes, stateful schemes require maintaining some state information locally besides encryption keys and the ciphertexts are mutable. On the other hand, stateless schemes only require remembering encryption keys and thus is more efficient. It is a common belief that stateless schemes cannot provide the same level of security as stateful ones because stateless schemes reveal the relative distance among their corresponding plaintext. In real world applications, such security defects may lead to the leakage of statistical and sensitive information, e.g., the data distribution, or even negates the whole encryption. In this paper, we propose a practical and secure stateless order-preserving encryption scheme. With prior knowledge of the data to be encrypted, our scheme can achieve IND-CCPA (INDistinguishability under Committed ordered Chosen Plaintext Attacks) security for static data set. Though the IND-CCPA security can't be met for dynamic data set, our new scheme can still significantly improve the security in real world applications. Along with the encryption scheme, in this paper we also provide methods to eliminate access pattern leakage in communications and thus prevents some common attacks to OPE schemes in practice.
A Multiple Objective PSO-Based Approach for Data Sanitization. 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI). :148–151.
2018. In this paper, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO)-based framework is presented to find the multiple solutions rather than a single one. The presented grid-based algorithm is used to assign the probability of the non-dominated solution for next iteration. Based on the designed algorithm, it is unnecessary to pre-define the weights of the side effects for evaluation but the non-dominated solutions can be discovered as an alternative way for data sanitization. Extensive experiments are carried on two datasets to show that the designed grid-based algorithm achieves good performance than the traditional single-objective evolution algorithms.