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Smirnov, Ivan A., Cherckesova, Larissa V., Safaryan, Olga A., Korochentsev, Denis A., Chumakov, Vladislav E., Gavlicky, Alexandr I..  2021.  Development of Fast Exponentiation Algorithm «To Center and Back. 2021 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1—4.
In the present paper the exponentiation algorithm “To Center and Back” based on the idea of the additive chains exponentiation method is developed. The created by authors algorithm allows to reduce the calculation time and to improve the performance of conventional and cryptographic algorithms, as pre-quantum and quantum, and then post-quantum, in which it is necessary to use the fast exponentiation algorithm.
Myzdrikov, Nikita Ye., Semeonov, Ivan Ye., Yukhnov, Vasiliy I., Safaryan, Olga A., Reshetnikova, Irina V., Lobodenko, Andrey G., Cherckesova, Larissa V., Porksheyan, Vitaliy M..  2019.  Modification and Optimization of Solovey-Strassen's Fast Exponentiation Probablistic Test Binary Algorithm. 2019 IEEE East-West Design Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1–3.

This article will consider the probability test of Solovey-Strassen, to determine the simplicity of the number and its possible modifications. This test allows for the shortest possible time to determine whether the number is prime or not. C\# programming language was used to implement the algorithm in practice.