
Filters: Author is Ruchkina, Ekaterina  [Clear All Filters]
Ruchkin, Vladimir, Fulin, Vladimir, Romanchuk, Vitaly, Koryachko, Alexei, Ruchkina, Ekaterina.  2020.  Personal Trusted Platform Module for the Multi-Core System of 5G Security and Privacy. 2020 ELEKTRO. :1–4.
The article is devoted to the choice of personal means of the 5G defense in dependence of hard- and software available to the user. The universal module MS 127.04 and its software compatible unit can be universally configured for use. An intelligent hardware and software platform is proposed for multi-core setting of policies for the automatic encryption of confidential data and selective blocking related to the implementation of computing security and confidentiality of data transfer, using such additional specially. A platform that resists the external influences is described. The platform is based on a universal module MS 127.05 (produced in Russia), that is a heterogeneous multiprocessor system on a chip), the system features 16 processor cores (NeuroMatrix Core 4) and five ARM Cortex-A5 units (ULSI 1879VM8Ya.
Ruchkin, Vladimir, Fulin, Vladimir, Pikulin, Dmitry, Taganov, Aleksandr, Kolesenkov, Aleksandr, Ruchkina, Ekaterina.  2019.  Heterogenic Multi-Core System on Chip for Virtual Based Security. 2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). :1–5.
The paper describes the process of coding information in the heterogenic multi-core system on chip for virtual-based security designed For image processing, signal processing and neural networks emulation. The coding of information carried out in assembly language according to the GOST. This is an implementation of the GOST - a standard symmetric key block cipher has a 64-bit block size and 256-bit key size.