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Ali, Waqas, Abbas, Ghulam, Abbas, Ziaul Haq.  2019.  Joint Sybil Attack Prevention and Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). :179–1795.

Sybil attacks, wherein a network is subverted by forging node identities, remains an open issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper proposes a scheme, called Location and Communication ID (LCID) based detection, which employs residual energy, communication ID and location information of sensor nodes for Sybil attacks prevention. Moreover, LCID takes into account the resource constrained nature of WSNs and enhances energy conservation through hierarchical routing. Sybil nodes are purged before clusters formation to ensure that only legitimate nodes participate in clustering and data communication. CH selection is based on the average energy of the entire network to load-balance energy consumption. LCID selects a CH if its residual energy is greater than the average network energy. Furthermore, the workload of CHs is equally distributed among sensor nodes. A CH once selected cannot be selected again for 1/p rounds, where p is the CH selection probability. Simulation results demonstrate that, as compared to an eminent scheme, LCID has a higher Sybil attacks detection ratio, higher network lifetime, higher packet reception rate at the BS, lower energy consumption, and lower packet loss ratio.