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Wang, Qianqian, Wang, Ben, Yu, Jiangfan, Schweizer, Kathrin, Nelson, Bradley J., Zhang, Li.  2020.  Reconfigurable Magnetic Microswarm for Thrombolysis under Ultrasound Imaging. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). :10285–10291.
We propose thrombolysis using a magnetic nanoparticle microswarm with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) under ultrasound imaging. The microswarm is generated in blood using an oscillating magnetic field and can be navigated with locomotion along both the long and short axis. By modulating the input field, the aspect ratio of the microswarm can be reversibly tuned, showing the ability to adapt to different confined environments. Simulation results indicate that both in-plane and out-of-plane fluid convection are induced around the microswarm, which can be further enhanced by tuning the aspect ratio of the microswarm. Under ultrasound imaging, the microswarm is navigated in a microchannel towards a blood clot and deformed to obtain optimal lysis. Experimental results show that the lysis rate reaches -0.1725 ± 0.0612 mm3/min in the 37°C blood environment under the influence of the microswarm-induced fluid convection and tPA. The lysis rate is enhanced 2.5-fold compared to that without the microswarm (-0.0681 ± 0.0263 mm3/min). Our method provides a new strategy to increase the efficiency of thrombolysis by applying microswarm-induced fluid convection, indicating that swarming micro/nanorobots have the potential to act as effective tools towards targeted therapy.
ISSN: 2577-087X
Yu, Jiangfan, Zhang, Li.  2019.  Reconfigurable Colloidal Microrobotic Swarm for Targeted Delivery. 2019 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR). :615—616.

Untethered microrobots actuated by external magnetic fields have drawn extensive attention recently, due to their potential advantages in real-time tracking and targeted delivery in vivo. To control a swarm of microrobots with external fields, however, is still one of the major challenges in this field. In this work, we present new methods to generate ribbon-like and vortex-like microrobotic swarms using oscillating and rotating magnetic fields, respectively. Paramagnetic nanoparticles with a diameter of 400 nm serve as the agents. These two types of swarms exhibits out-of-equilibrium structure, in which the nanoparticles perform synchronised motions. By tuning the magnetic fields, the swarming patterns can be reversibly transformed. Moreover, by increasing the pitch angle of the applied fields, the swarms are capable of performing navigated locomotion with a controlled velocity. This work sheds light on a better understanding for microrobotic swarm behaviours and paves the way for potential biomedical applications.