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Gong, Taiyuan, Zhu, Li.  2022.  Edge Intelligence-based Obstacle Intrusion Detection in Railway Transportation. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :2981—2986.
Train operation is highly influenced by the rail track state and the surrounding environment. An abnormal obstacle on the rail track will pose a severe threat to the safe operation of urban rail transit. The existing general obstacle detection approaches do not consider the specific urban rail environment and requirements. In this paper, we propose an edge intelligence (EI)-based obstacle intrusion detection system to detect accurate obstacle intrusion in real-time. A two-stage lightweight deep learning model is designed to detect obstacle intrusion and obtain the distance from the train to the obstacle. Edge computing (EC) and 5G are used to conduct the detection model and improve the real-time detection performance. A multi-agent reinforcement learning-based offloading and service migration model is formulated to optimize the edge computing resource. Experimental results show that the two-stage intrusion detection model with the reinforcement learning (RL)-based edge resource optimization model can achieve higher detection accuracy and real-time performance compared to traditional methods.
Wang, Dongqi, Shuai, Xuanyue, Hu, Xueqiong, Zhu, Li.  2019.  Research on Computer Network Security Evaluation Method Based on Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithms. 2019 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :399—402.
As we all know, computer network security evaluation is an important link in the field of network security. Traditional computer network security evaluation methods use BP neural network combined with network security standards to train and simulate. However, because BP neural network is easy to fall into local minimum point in the training process, the evalu-ation results are often inaccurate. In this paper, the LM (Levenberg-Marquard) algorithm is used to optimize the BP neural network. The LM-BP algorithm is constructed and applied to the computer network security evaluation. The results show that compared with the traditional evaluation algorithm, the optimized neural network has the advantages of fast running speed and accurate evaluation results.