Deep learning is a popular powerful machine learning solution to the computer vision tasks. The most criticized vulnerability of deep learning is its poor tolerance towards adversarial images obtained by deliberately adding imperceptibly small perturbations to the clean inputs. Such negatives can delude a classifier into wrong decision making. Previous defensive techniques mostly focused on refining the models or input transformation. They are either implemented only with small datasets or shown to have limited success. Furthermore, they are rarely scrutinized from the hardware perspective despite Artificial Intelligence (AI) on a chip is a roadmap for embedded intelligence everywhere. In this paper we propose a new discriminative noise injection strategy to adaptively select a few dominant layers and progressively discriminate adversarial from benign inputs. This is made possible by evaluating the differences in label change rate from both adversarial and natural images by injecting different amount of noise into the weights of individual layers in the model. The approach is evaluated on the ImageNet Dataset with 8-bit truncated models for the state-of-the-art DNN architectures. The results show a high detection rate of up to 88.00% with only approximately 5% of false positive rate for MobileNet. Both detection rate and false positive rate have been improved well above existing advanced defenses against the most practical noninvasive universal perturbation attack on deep learning based AI chip.
Finite-state machine (FSM) is widely used as control unit in most digital designs. Many intellectual property protection and obfuscation techniques leverage on the exponential number of possible states and state transitions of large FSM to secure a physical design with the reason that it is challenging to retrieve the FSM design from its downstream design or physical implementation without knowledge of the design. In this paper, we postulate that this assumption may not be sustainable with big data analytics. We demonstrate by applying a data mining technique to analyze sufficiently large amount of data collected from a full scan design to identify its FSM state registers. An impact metric is introduced to discriminate FSM state registers from other registers. A decision tree algorithm is constructed from the scan data for the regression analysis of the dependency of other registers on a chosen register to deduce its impact. The registers with the greater impact are more likely to be the FSM state registers. The proposed scheme is applied on several complex designs from OpenCores. The experiment results show the feasibility of our scheme in correctly identifying most FSM state registers with a high hit rate for a large majority of the designs.