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Michael Coblenz, Jonathan Aldrich, Bradley Myers, Joshua Sunshine.  2018.  Interdisciplinary programming language design. Onward! 2018 Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software.

Approaches for programming language design used commonly in the research community today center around theoretical and performance-oriented evaluation. Recently, researchers have been considering more approaches to language design, including the use of quantitative and qualitative user studies that examine how different designs might affect programmers. In this paper, we argue for an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates many different methods in the creation and evaluation of programming languages. We argue that the addition of user-oriented design techniques can be helpful at many different stages in the programming language design process.

Michael Coblenz, Whitney Nelson, Jonathan Aldrich, Brad Myers, Joshua Sunshine.  2017.  Glacier: Transitive Class Immutability for Java. 39th International Conference on Software Engineering.

Though immutability has been long-proposed as a way to prevent bugs in software, little is known about how to make immutability support in programming languages effective for software engineers. We designed a new formalism that extends Java to support transitive class immutability, the form of immutability for which there is the strongest empirical support, and implemented that formalism in a tool called Glacier. We applied Glacier successfully to two real-world systems. We also compared Glacier to Java’s final in a user study of twenty participants. We found that even after being given instructions on how to express immutability with final, participants who used final were unable to express immutability correctly, whereas almost all participants who used Glacier succeeded. We also asked participants to make specific changes to immutable classes and found that participants who used final all incorrectly mutated immutable state, whereas almost all of the participants who used Glacier succeeded. Glacier represents a promising approach to enforcing immutability in Java and provides a model for enforcement in other languages.

Michael Coblenz, Joshua Sunshine, Jonathan Aldrich, Brad Myers, Sam Weber, Forrest Shull.  2016.  Exploring Language Support for Immutability. ICSE '16 Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering.

Programming languages can restrict state change by preventing it entirely (immutability) or by restricting which clients may modify state (read-only restrictions). The benefits of immutability and read-only restrictions in software structures have been long-argued by practicing software engineers, researchers, and programming language designers. However, there are many proposals for language mechanisms for restricting state change, with a remarkable diversity of techniques and goals, and there is little empirical data regarding what practicing software engineers want in their tools and what would benefit them. We systematized the large collection of techniques used by programming languages to help programmers prevent undesired changes in state. We interviewed expert software engineers to discover their expectations and requirements, and found that important requirements, such as expressing immutability constraints, were not reflected in features available in the languages participants used. The interview results informed our design of a new language extension for specifying immutability in Java. Through an iterative, participatory design process, we created a tool that reflects requirements from both our interviews and the research literature.

Michael Coblenz, Robert Seacord, Brad Myers, Joshua Sunshine, Jonathan Aldrich.  2015.  A Course-Based Usability Analysis of Cilk Plus and OpenMP. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) .

Cilk Plus and OpenMP are parallel language ex-tensions for the C and C++ programming languages. The CPLEX Study Group of the ISO/IEC C Standards Committee is developing a proposal for a parallel programming extension to C that combines ideas from Cilk Plus and OpenMP. We conducted a preliminary comparison of Cilk Plus and OpenMP in a master's level course on security to evaluate the design tradeoffs in the usability and security of these two approaches. The eventual goal is to inform decision making within the committee. We found several usability problems worthy of further investigation based on student performance, including declaring and using reductions, multi-line compiler directives, and the understandability of task assignment to threads.

Michael Coblenz, Jonathan Aldrich, Brad Myers, Joshua Sunshine.  2014.  Considering Productivity Effects of Explicit Type Declarations. PLATEAU '14 Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools.

Static types may be used both by the language implementation and directly by the user as documentation. Though much existing work focuses primarily on the implications of static types on the semantics of programs, relatively little work considers the impact on usability that static types provide. Though the omission of static type information may decrease program length and thereby improve readability, it may also decrease readability because users must then frequently derive type information manually while reading programs. As type inference becomes more popular in languages that are in widespread use, it is important to consider whether the adoption of type inference may impact productivity of developers.