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Park, S. H., Park, H. J., Choi, Y..  2020.  RNN-based Prediction for Network Intrusion Detection. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC). :572—574.
We investigate a prediction model using RNN for network intrusion detection in industrial IoT environments. For intrusion detection, we use anomaly detection methods that estimate the next packet, measure and score the distance measurement in real packets to distinguish whether it is a normal packet or an abnormal packet. When the packet was learned in the LSTM model, two-gram and sliding window of N-gram showed the best performance in terms of errors and the performance of the LSTM model was the highest compared with other data mining regression techniques. Finally, cosine similarity was used as a scoring function, and anomaly detection was performed by setting a boundary for cosine similarity that consider as normal packet.