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Karimov, Madjit, Tashev, Komil, Rustamova, Sanobar.  2020.  Application of the Aho-Corasick algorithm to create a network intrusion detection system. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—5.
One of the main goals of studying pattern matching techniques is their significant role in real-world applications, such as the intrusion detection systems branch. The purpose of the network attack detection systems NIDS is to protect the infocommunication network from unauthorized access. This article provides an analysis of the exact match and fuzzy matching methods, and discusses a new implementation of the classic Aho-Korasik pattern matching algorithm at the hardware level. The proposed approach to the implementation of the Aho-Korasik algorithm can make it possible to ensure the efficient use of resources, such as memory and energy.