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Kanchanadevi, P., Raja, Laxmi, Selvapandian, D., Dhanapal, R..  2020.  An Attribute Based Encryption Scheme with Dynamic Attributes Supporting in the Hybrid Cloud. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :271—273.
Cloud computing is the flexible platform to outsource the data from local server to commercial cloud. However cloud provides tremendous benefits to user, data privacy and data leakage reduce the attention of cloud. For protecting data privacy and reduce data leakage various techniques has to be implemented in cloud. There are various types of cloud environment, but we concentrate on Hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud is nothing but combination of more than two or more cloud. Where critical operations are performed in private cloud and non critical operations are performed in public cloud. So, it has numerous advantages and criticality too. In this paper, we focus on data security through encryption scheme over Hybrid Cloud. There are various encryption schemes are close to us but it also have data security issues. To overcome these issues, Attribute Based Encryption Scheme with Dynamic Attributes Supporting (ABE-DAS) has proposed. Attribute based Encryption Scheme with Dynamic Attributes Supporting technique enhance the security of the data in hybrid cloud.