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Gnatyuk, Sergiy, Okhrimenko, Tetiana, Azarenko, Olena, Fesenko, Andriy, Berdibayev, Rat.  2020.  Experimental Study of Secure PRNG for Q-trits Quantum Cryptography Protocols. 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :183–188.
Quantum cryptography doesn't depend on computational capabilities of intruders; it uses inviolability of quantum physics postulates (postulate of measurement, no-cloning theorem, uncertainty principle). Some quantum key distribution protocols have absolute (theoretical and informational) stability, but quantum secure direct communication (deterministic) protocols have only asymptotic stability. For a whole class of methods to ensure Q-trit deterministic quantum cryptography protocols stability, reliable trit generation method is required. In this paper, authors have developed a high-speed and secure pseudorandom number (PRN) generation method. This method includes the following steps: initialization of the internal state vector and direct PRN generation. Based on this method TriGen v.2.0 pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) was developed and studied in practice. Therefore, analysing the results of study it can be concluded following: 1) Proposed Q-trit PRNG is better then standard C ++ PRNG and can be used on practice for critical applications; 2) NIST STS technique cannot be used to evaluate the quality (statistical stability) of the Q-trit PRNG and formed trit sequences; 3) TritSTS 2020 technique is suitable for evaluating Q-trit PRNG and trit sequences quality. A future research study can be related to developing a fully-functional version of TritSTS technique and software tool.