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Guarino, Idio, Bovenzi, Giampaolo, Di Monda, Davide, Aceto, Giuseppe, Ciuonzo, Domenico, Pescapè, Antonio.  2022.  On the use of Machine Learning Approaches for the Early Classification in Network Intrusion Detection. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N). :1–6.
Current intrusion detection techniques cannot keep up with the increasing amount and complexity of cyber attacks. In fact, most of the traffic is encrypted and does not allow to apply deep packet inspection approaches. In recent years, Machine Learning techniques have been proposed for post-mortem detection of network attacks, and many datasets have been shared by research groups and organizations for training and validation. Differently from the vast related literature, in this paper we propose an early classification approach conducted on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset, which contains both benign and malicious traffic, for the detection of malicious attacks before they could damage an organization. To this aim, we investigated a different set of features, and the sensitivity of performance of five classification algorithms to the number of observed packets. Results show that ML approaches relying on ten packets provide satisfactory results.
ISSN: 2639-5061
Nascita, Alfredo, Montieri, Antonio, Aceto, Giuseppe, Ciuonzo, Domenico, Persico, Valerio, Pescapè, Antonio.  2021.  Unveiling MIMETIC: Interpreting Deep Learning Traffic Classifiers via XAI Techniques. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :455–460.
The widespread use of powerful mobile devices has deeply affected the mix of traffic traversing both the Internet and enterprise networks (with bring-your-own-device policies). Traffic encryption has become extremely common, and the quick proliferation of mobile apps and their simple distribution and update have created a specifically challenging scenario for traffic classification and its uses, especially network-security related ones. The recent rise of Deep Learning (DL) has responded to this challenge, by providing a solution to the time-consuming and human-limited handcrafted feature design, and better clas-sification performance. The counterpart of the advantages is the lack of interpretability of these black-box approaches, limiting or preventing their adoption in contexts where the reliability of results, or interpretability of polices is necessary. To cope with these limitations, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques have seen recent intensive research. Along these lines, our work applies XAI-based techniques (namely, Deep SHAP) to interpret the behavior of a state-of-the-art multimodal DL traffic classifier. As opposed to common results seen in XAI, we aim at a global interpretation, rather than sample-based ones. The results quantify the importance of each modality (payload- or header-based), and of specific subsets of inputs (e.g., TLS SNI and TCP Window Size) in determining the classification outcome, down to per-class (viz. application) level. The analysis is based on a publicly-released recent dataset focused on mobile app traffic.