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Silva, Cátia, Faria, Pedro, Vale, Zita.  2022.  Using Supervised Learning to Assign New Consumers to Demand Response Programs According to the Context. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe). :1—6.

Active consumers have now been empowered thanks to the smart grid concept. To avoid fossil fuels, the demand side must provide flexibility through Demand Response events. However, selecting the proper participants for an event can be complex due to response uncertainty. The authors design a Contextual Consumer Rate to identify the trustworthy participants according to previous performances. In the present case study, the authors address the problem of new players with no information. In this way, two different methods were compared to predict their rate. Besides, the authors also refer to the consumer privacy testing of the dataset with and without information that could lead to the participant identification. The results found to prove that, for the proposed methodology, private information does not have a high impact to attribute a rate.

Azevedo, João, Faria, Pedro, Romero, Luís.  2021.  Framework for Creating Outdoors Augmented and Virtual Reality. 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1—6.
In this article we propose the architecture of a system in which its central objective is focused on creating a complete framework for creating outdoor environments of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) allowing its users to digitize reality for hypermedia format. Subsequently, there will be an internal process with the objective of merging / grouping these 3D models, thus enabling clear and intuitive navigation within infinite virtual realities (based on the captured real world). In this way, the user is able to create points of interest within their parallel realities, being able to navigate and traverse their new worlds through these points.