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Contașel, Cristian, Trancă, Dumitru-Cristian, Pălăcean, Alexandru-Viorel.  2021.  Cloud based mobile application security enforcement using device attestation API. 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1–5.
Today the mobile devices are more and more present in our lives, and the mobile applications market has experienced a sharp growth. Most of these applications are made to make our daily lives easier, and for this a large part of them consume various web services. Given this transition, from desktop and web applications to mobile applications, many critical services have begun to expose their APIs for use by such application clients. Unfortunately, this transition has paved the way for new vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities used to compress cloud services. In this article we analyzed the main security problems and how they can be solved using the attestation services, the services that indicate that the device running the application and the client application are genuine.