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Wagle, S.K., Bazilraj, A.A, Ray, K.P..  2021.  Energy Efficient Security Solution for Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS). :313–318.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are gaining popularity as being the backbone of Cyber physical systems, IOT and various data acquisition from sensors deployed in remote, inaccessible terrains have remote deployment. However due to remote deployment, WSN is an adhoc network of large number of sensors either heli-dropped in inaccessible terrain like volcanoes, Forests, border areas are highly energy deficient and available in large numbers. This makes it the right soup to become vulnerable to various kinds of Security attacks. The lack of energy and resources makes it deprived of developing a robust security code for mitigation of various kinds of attacks. Many attempts have been made to suggest a robust security Protocol. But these consume so much energy, bandwidth, processing power, memory and other resources that the sole purpose of data gathering from inaccessible terrain from energy deprived sensors gets defeated. This paper makes an attempt to study the types of attacks on different layers of WSN and the examine the recent trends in development of various security protocols to mitigate the attacks. Further, we have proposed a simple, lightweight but powerful security protocol known as Simple Sensor Security Protocol (SSSP), which captures the uniqueness of WSN and its isolation from internet to develop an energy efficient security solution.