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Deri, Luca, Cardigliano, Alfredo.  2022.  Using CyberScore for Network Traffic Monitoring. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :56–61.
The growing number of cybersecurity incidents and the always increasing complexity of cybersecurity attacks is forcing the industry and the research community to develop robust and effective methods to detect and respond to network attacks. Many tools are either built upon a large number of rules and signatures which only large third-party vendors can afford to create and maintain, or are based on complex artificial intelligence engines which, in most cases, still require personalization and fine-tuning using costly service contracts offered by the vendors.This paper introduces an open-source network traffic monitoring system based on the concept of cyberscore, a numerical value that represents how a network activity is considered relevant for spotting cybersecurity-related events. We describe how this technique has been applied in real-life networks and present the result of this evaluation.
Deri, Luca, Fusco, Francesco.  2021.  Using Deep Packet Inspection in CyberTraffic Analysis. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :89–94.
In recent years we have observed an escalation of cybersecurity attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect as they use more advanced evasion techniques and encrypted communications. The research community has often proposed the use of machine learning techniques to overcome the limitations of traditional cybersecurity approaches based on rules and signatures, which are hard to maintain, require constant updates, and do not solve the problems of zero-day attacks. Unfortunately, machine learning is not the holy grail of cybersecurity: machine learning-based techniques are hard to develop due to the lack of annotated data, are often computationally intensive, they can be target of hard to detect adversarial attacks, and more importantly are often not able to provide explanations for the predicted outcomes. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to cybersecurity detection leveraging on the concept of security score. Our approach demonstrates that extracting signals via deep packet inspections paves the way for efficient detection using traffic analysis. This work has been validated against various traffic datasets containing network attacks, showing that it can effectively detect network threats without the complexity of machine learning-based solutions.