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Sankaran, Sriram, Mohan, Vamshi Sunku, Purushothaman., A.  2021.  Deep Learning Based Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES). :177–182.
Hardware Trojans are modifications made by malicious insiders or third party providers during the design or fabrication phase of the IC (Integrated Circuits) design cycle in a covert manner. These cause catastrophic consequences ranging from manipulating the functionality of individual blocks to disabling the entire chip. Thus, a need for detecting trojans becomes necessary. In this work, we propose a deep learning based approach for detecting trojans in IC chips. In particular, we insert trojans at the circuit-level and generate data by measuring power during normal operation and under attack. Further, we develop deep learning models using Neural networks and Auto-encoders to analyze datasets for outlier detection by profiling the normal behavior and leveraging them to detect anomalies in power consumption. Our approach is generic and non-invasive in that it can be applied to any block without any modifications to the design. Evaluation of the proposed approach shows an accuracy ranging from 92.23% to 99.33% in detecting trojans.