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Rezaimehr, Fatemeh, Dadkhah, Chitra.  2021.  Injection Shilling Attack Tool for Recommender Systems. 2021 26th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC). :1—4.
Recommender systems help people in finding a particular item based on their preference from a wide range of products in online shopping rapidly. One of the most popular models of recommendation systems is the Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (CFRS) that recommend the top-K items to active user based on peer grouping user ratings. The implementation of CFRS is easy and it can easily be attacked by fake users and affect the recommendation. Fake users create a fake profile to attack the RS and change the output of it. Different attack types with different features and attacking methods exist in which decrease the accuracy. It is important to detect fake users, remove their rating from rating matrix and recognize the items has been attacked. In the recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to detect the attackers but first, researchers have to inject the attack type into their dataset and then evaluate their proposed approach. The purpose of this article is to develop a tool to inject the different attack types to datasets. Proposed tool constructs a new dataset containing the fake users therefore researchers can use it for evaluating their proposed attack detection methods. Researchers could choose the attack type and the size of attack with a user interface of our proposed tool easily.