
Filters: Author is Tran, Nghi H.  [Clear All Filters]
Nguyen, Lan K., Nguyen, Duy H. N., Tran, Nghi H., Bosler, Clayton, Brunnenmeyer, David.  2021.  SATCOM Jamming Resiliency under Non-Uniform Probability of Attacks. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :85—90.
This paper presents a new framework for SATCOM jamming resiliency in the presence of a smart adversary jammer that can prioritize specific channels to attack with a non-uniform probability of distribution. We first develop a model and a defense action strategy based on a Markov decision process (MDP). We propose a greedy algorithm for the MDP-based defense algorithm's policy to optimize the expected user's immediate and future discounted rewards. Next, we remove the assumption that the user has specific information about the attacker's pattern and model. We develop a Q-learning algorithm-a reinforcement learning (RL) approach-to optimize the user's policy. We show that the Q-learning method provides an attractive defense strategy solution without explicit knowledge of the jammer's strategy. Computer simulation results show that the MDP-based defense strategies are very efficient; they offer a significant data rate advantage over the simple random hopping approach. Also, the proposed Q-learning performance can achieve close to the MDP approach without explicit knowledge of the jammer's strategy or attacking model.