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Francisco, Hernandez Muñoz Urian, Ríos-Moreno, G.J..  2021.  Controller of public vehicles and traffic lights to speed up the response time to emergencies. 2021 XVII International Engineering Congress (CONIIN). :1–6.
Frequently emergency services are required nationally and globally, in Mexico during 2020 of the 16,22,879 calls made to 911, statistics reveal that 58.43% were about security, 16.57% assistance, 13.49% medical, 6.29% civil protection, among others. However, the constant traffic of cities generates delays in the time of arrival to medical, military or civil protection services, wasting time that can be critical in an emergency. The objective is to create a connection between the road infrastructure (traffic lights) and emergency vehicles to reduce waiting time as a vehicle on a mission passes through a traffic light with Controller Area Network CAN controller to modify the color and give way to the emergency vehicle that will send signals to the traffic light controller through a controller located in the car. For this, the Controller Area Network Flexible Data (CAN-FD) controllers will be used in traffic lights since it is capable of synchronizing data in the same bus or cable to avoid that two messages arrive at the same time, which could end in car accidents if they are not it respects a hierarchy and the CANblue ll controller that wirelessly connects devices (vehicle and traffic light) at a speed of 1 Mbit / s to avoid delays in data exchange taking into account the high speeds that a car can acquire. It is intended to use the CAN controller for the development of improvements in response times in high-speed data exchange in cities with high traffic flow. As a result of the use of CAN controllers, a better data flow and interconnection is obtained.