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Bardia, Vivek, Kumar, CRS.  2017.  End Users Can Mitigate Zero Day Attacks Faster. 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC). :935—938.
The past decade has shown us the power of cyber space and we getting dependent on the same. The exponential evolution in the domain has attracted attackers and defenders of technology equally. This inevitable domain has led to the increase in average human awareness and knowledge too. As we see the attack sophistication grow the protectors have always been a step ahead mitigating the attacks. A study of the various Threat Detection, Protection and Mitigation Systems revealed to us a common similarity wherein users have been totally ignored or the systems rely heavily on the user inputs for its correct functioning. Compiling the above we designed a study wherein user inputs were taken in addition to independent Detection and Prevention systems to identify and mitigate the risks. This approach led us to a conclusion that involvement of users exponentially enhances machine learning and segments the data sets faster for a more reliable output.