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Mishra, Ruby, Okade, Manish, Mahapatra, Kamalakanta.  2022.  FPGA based High Throughput Substitution Box Architectures for Lightweight Block Ciphers. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–7.
This paper explores high throughput architectures for the substitution modules, which are an integral component of encryption algorithms. The security algorithms chosen belong to the category of lightweight crypto-primitives suitable for pervasive computing. The focus of this work is on the implementation of encryption algorithms on hardware platforms to improve speed and facilitate optimization in the area and power consumption of the design. In this work, the architecture for the encryption algorithms' substitution box (S-box) is modified using switching circuits (i.e., MUX-based) along with a logic generator and included in the overall cipher design. The modified architectures exhibit high throughput and consume less energy in comparison to the state-of-the-art designs. The percentage increase in throughput or maximum frequency differs according to the chosen algorithms discussed elaborately in this paper. The evaluation of various metrics specific to the design are executed at RFID-specific frequency so that they can be deployed in an IoT environment. The designs are mainly simulated and compared on Nexys4 DDR FPGA platform, along with a few other FPGAs, to meet similar design and implementation environments for a fair comparison. The application of the proposed S-box modification is explored for the healthcare scenario with promising results.