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He, Ze, Li, Shaoqing.  2022.  A Design of Key Generation Unit Based on SRAM PUF. 2022 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT). :136–140.
In the era of big data, information security is faced with many threats, among which memory data security of intelligent devices is an important link. Attackers can read the memory of specific devices, and then steal secrets, alter data, affect the operation of intelligent devices, and bring security threats. Data security is usually protected by encryption algorithm for device ciphertext conversion, so the safe generation and use of key becomes particularly important. In this paper, based on the advantages of SRAM PUF, such as real-time generation, power failure and disappearance, safety and reliability, a key generation unit is designed and implemented. BCH code is used as the error correction algorithm to generate 128-bit stable key, which provides a guarantee for the safe storage of intelligent devices.