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Garcia, Ailen B., Bongo, Shaina Mae C..  2022.  A Cyber Security Cognizance among College Teachers and Students in Embracing Online Education. 2022 8th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). :116—119.
Cyber security is everybody's responsibility. It is the capability of the person to protect or secure the use of cyberspace from cyber-attacks. Cyber security awareness is the combination of both knowing and doing to safeguard one's personal information or assets. Online threats continue to rise in the Philippines which is the focus of this study, to identify the level of cyber security awareness among the students and teachers of Occidental Mindoro State College (OMSC) Philippines. Results shows that the level of cyber security awareness in terms of Knowledge, majority of the students and teachers got the passing score and above however there are almost fifty percent got below the passing score. In terms of Practices, both the teachers and the students need to strengthen the awareness of system and browser updates to boost the security level of the devices used. More than half of the IT students are aware of the basic cyber security protocol but there is a big percentage in the Non-IT students which is to be considered. Majority of the teachers are aware of the basic cyber security protocols however the remaining number must be looked into. There is a need to intensity the awareness of the students in the proper etiquette in using the social media. Boost the basic cyber security awareness training to all students and teachers to avoid cybercrime victims.