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Thankaraj, A., Nair, A. J., Vasudevan, N., Pathari, V..  2017.  Misclassifications: The Missing Link. 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :1719–1722.

The notion of style is pivotal to literature. The choice of a certain writing style moulds and enhances the overall character of a book. Stylometry uses statistical methods to analyze literary style. This work aims to build a recommendation system based on the similarity in stylometric cues of various authors. The problem at hand is in close proximity to the author attribution problem. It follows a supervised approach with an initial corpus of books labelled with their respective authors as training set and generate recommendations based on the misclassified books. Results in book similarity are substantiated by domain experts.

Ansilla, J. D., Vasudevan, N., JayachandraBensam, J., Anunciya, J. D..  2015.  Data security in Smart Grid with hardware implementation against DoS attacks. 2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2015]. :1–7.

Cultivation of Smart Grid refurbish with brisk and ingenious. The delinquent breed and sow mutilate in massive. This state of affair coerces security as a sapling which incessantly is to be irrigated with Research and Analysis. The Cyber Security is endowed with resiliency to the SYN flooding induced Denial of Service attack in this work. The proposed secure web server algorithm embedded in the LPC1768 processor ensures the smart resources to be precluded from the attack.