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Mahara, Govind Singh, Gangele, Sharad.  2022.  Fake news detection: A RNN-LSTM, Bi-LSTM based deep learning approach. 2022 IEEE 1st International Conference on Data, Decision and Systems (ICDDS). :01–06.

Fake news is a new phenomenon that promotes misleading information and fraud via internet social media or traditional news sources. Fake news is readily manufactured and transmitted across numerous social media platforms nowadays, and it has a significant influence on the real world. It is vital to create effective algorithms and tools for detecting misleading information on social media platforms. Most modern research approaches for identifying fraudulent information are based on machine learning, deep learning, feature engineering, graph mining, image and video analysis, and newly built datasets and online services. There is a pressing need to develop a viable approach for readily detecting misleading information. The deep learning LSTM and Bi-LSTM model was proposed as a method for detecting fake news, In this work. First, the NLTK toolkit was used to remove stop words, punctuation, and special characters from the text. The same toolset is used to tokenize and preprocess the text. Since then, GLOVE word embeddings have incorporated higher-level characteristics of the input text extracted from long-term relationships between word sequences captured by the RNN-LSTM, Bi-LSTM model to the preprocessed text. The proposed model additionally employs dropout technology with Dense layers to improve the model's efficiency. The proposed RNN Bi-LSTM-based technique obtains the best accuracy of 94%, and 93% using the Adam optimizer and the Binary cross-entropy loss function with Dropout (0.1,0.2), Once the Dropout range increases it decreases the accuracy of the model as it goes 92% once Dropout (0.3).