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Bhande, Sapana A, Chandrakar, V. K..  2022.  Fuzzy Logic based Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) to enhance Power System Security. 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET). :667—672.
In today's power market, it's vital to keep electrical energy affordable to the vast majority of people while maintaining the highest degree of dependability. Due to which, the transmission network must operate beyond transfer limitations, generating congestion on transmission lines. These transmission line difficulties can be alleviated with the use of reactive power adjustment based on FACTS devices. Using a fuzzy tuned Static Synchronous Series Compensator [SSSC], this research proposes a novel method for calculating the effective damping oscillation control signals. The performance of the SSSC is compared to that of fuzzy logic-based controllers using PI controllers. According to the simulation results, the SSSC with fuzzy logic control effectively improves power flow under disrupted conditions