
Filters: Author is Doreswamy, Hema  [Clear All Filters]
Biswas, Ankur, Karan, Ashish, Nigam, Nidhi, Doreswamy, Hema, Sadykanova, Serikkhan, Rauliyevna, Mangazina Zhanel.  2022.  Implementation of Cyber Security for Enabling Data Protection Analysis and Data Protection using Robot Key Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :170—174.
Cloud computing plays major role in the development of accessing clouduser’s document and sensitive information stored. It has variety of content and representation. Cyber security and attacks in the cloud is a challenging aspect. Information security attains a vital part in Cyber Security management. It involves actions intended to reduce the adverse impacts of such incidents. To access the documents stored in cloud safely and securely, access control will be introduced based on cloud users to access the user’s document in the cloud. To achieve this, it is highly required to combine security components (e.g., Access Control, Usage Control) in the security document to get automatic information. This research work has proposed a Role Key Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm (RKHEA) to monitor the cloud users, who access the services continuously. This method provides access creation of session-based key to store the singularized encryption to reduce the key size from random methods to occupy memory space. It has some terms and conditions to be followed by the cloud users and also has encryption method to secure the document content. Hence the documents are encrypted with the RKHEA algorithm based on Service Key Access (SKA). Then, the encrypted key will be created based on access control conditions. The proposed analytics result shows an enhanced control over the documents in cloud and improved security performance.