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Banerjee, R., Baksi, A., Singh, N., Bishnu, S. K..  2020.  Detection of XSS in web applications using Machine Learning Classifiers. 2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering Nano-Technology (IEMENTech). :1—5.
Considering the amount of time we spend on the internet, web pages have evolved over a period of time with rapid progression and momentum. With such advancement, we find ourselves fronting a few hostile ideologies, breaching the security levels of webpages as such. The most hazardous of them all is XSS, known as Cross-Site Scripting, is one of the attacks which frequently occur in website-based applications. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks happen when malicious data enters a web application through an untrusted source. The spam attacks happen in the form of Wall posts, News feed, Message spam and mostly when a user is open to download content of webpages. This paper investigates the use of machine learning to build classifiers to allow the detection of XSS. Establishing our approach, we target the detection modus operandi of XSS attack via two features: URLs and JavaScript. To predict the level of XSS threat, we will be using four machine learning algorithms (SVM, KNN, Random forest and Logistic Regression). Proposing these classified algorithms, webpages will be branded as malicious or benign. After assessing and calculating the dataset features, we concluded that the Random Forest Classifier performed most accurately with the lowest False Positive Rate of 0.34. This precision will ensure a method much efficient to evaluate threatening XSS for the smooth functioning of the system.
Singh, S., Singh, N..  2015.  Internet of Things (IoT): Security challenges, business opportunities reference architecture for E-commerce. 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT). :1577–1581.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a diverse technology and usage with unprecedented business opportunities and risks. The Internet of Things is changing the dynamics of security industry & reshaping it. It allows data to be transferred seamlessly among physical devices to the Internet. The growth of number of intelligent devices will create a network rich with information that allows supply chains to assemble and communicate in new ways. The technology research firm Gartner predicts that there will be 26 billion installed units on the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020[1]. This paper explains the concept of Internet of Things (IoT), its characteristics, explain security challenges, technology adoption trends & suggests a reference architecture for E-commerce enterprise.