As one of the next generation network architectures, Named Data Networking(NDN) which features location-independent addressing and content caching makes it more suitable to be deployed into Vehicular Ad-hoc Network(VANET). However, a new attack pattern is found when NDN and VANET combine. This new attack is Interest Packet Popple Broadcast Diffusion Attack (PBDA). There is no mitigation strategies to mitigate PBDA. In this paper a mitigation strategies called RVMS based on node reputation value (RV) is proposed to detect malicious nodes. The node calculates the neighbor node RV by direct and indirect RV evaluation and uses Markov chain predict the current RV state of the neighbor node according to its historical RV. The RV state is used to decide whether to discard the interest packet. Finally, the effectiveness of the RVMS is verified through modeling and experiment. The experimental results show that the RVMS can mitigate PBDA.
Named Data Networking (NDN) is a future Internet architecture, NDN forwarding strategy is a hot research topic in MANET. At present, there are two categories of forwarding strategies in NDN. One is the blind forwarding(BF), the other is the aware forwarding(AF). Data packet return by the way that one came forwarding strategy(DRF) as one of the BF strategy may fail for the interruptions of the path that are caused by the mobility of nodes. Consumer need to wait until the interest packet times out to request the data packet again. To solve the insufficient of DRF, in this paper a Forwarding Strategy, called FN based on Neighbor-aware is proposed for NDN MANET. The node maintains the neighbor information and the request information of neighbor nodes. In the phase of data packet response, in order to improve request satisfaction rate, node specifies the next hop node; Meanwhile, in order to reduce packet loss rate, node assists the last hop node to forward packet to the specific node. The simulation results show that compared with DRF and greedy forwarding(GF) strategy, FN can improve request satisfaction rate when node density is high.
This paper introduces a hardware Trojan detection method using Chip ID which is generated by Relative Time-Delays (RTD) of sensor chains and the effectiveness of RTD is verified by post-layout simulations. The rank of time-delays of the sensor chains would be changed in Trojan-inserted chip. RTD is an accurate approach targeting to all kinds of Trojans, since it is based on the RELATIVE relationship between the time-delays rather than the absolute values, which are hard to be measured and will change with the fabricate process. RTD needs no golden chip, because the RELATIVE values would not change in most situations. Thus the genuine ID can be generated by simulator. The sensor chains can be inserted into a layout utilizing unused spaces, so RTD is a low-cost solution. A Trojan with 4x minimum NMOS is placed in different places of the chip. The behavior of the chip is obtained by using transient based post-layout simulation. All the Trojans are detected AND located, thus the effectiveness of RTD is verified.
Side-channel collision attacks have been one of the most powerful attack techniques, combining advantages of traditional side-channel attack and mathematical cryptanalysis. In this paper, we propose a novel multiple-bits side-channel collision attack based on double distance voting detection, which can find all 120 relations among 16 key bytes with only 32 averaged power traces when applied to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. Practical attack experiments are performed successfully on a hardware implementation of AES on FPGA board. Results show that the necessary number of traces for our method is about 50% less than correlation-enhanced collision attack and 76% less than binary voting test with 90% success rate.
Named Data Networking (NDN), a clean-slate data oriented Internet architecture targeting on replacing IP, brings many potential benefits for content distribution. Real deployment of NDN is crucial to verify this new architecture and promote academic research, but work in this field is at an early stage. Due to the fundamental design paradigm difference between NDN and IP, Deploying NDN as IP overlay causes high overhead and inefficient transmission, typically in streaming applications. Aiming at achieving efficient NDN streaming distribution, this paper proposes a transitional architecture of NDN/IP hybrid network dubbed Centaur, which embodies both NDN's smartness, scalability and IP's transmission efficiency and deployment feasibility. In Centaur, the upper NDN module acts as the smart head while the lower IP module functions as the powerful feet. The head is intelligent in content retrieval and self-control, while the IP feet are able to transport large amount of media data faster than that if NDN directly overlaying on IP. To evaluate the performance of our proposal, we implement a real streaming prototype in ndnSIM and compare it with both NDN-Hippo and P2P under various experiment scenarios. The result shows that Centaur can achieve better load balance with lower overhead, which is close to the performance that ideal NDN can achieve. All of these validate that our proposal is a promising choice for the incremental and compatible deployment of NDN.
The digital authentication security technology is widely used in the current brand cosmetics as key anti-counterfeiting technology, yet this technology is prone to "false security", "hard security" and "non-security" phenomena. This paper researches the current cosmetics brand distribution channels and sales methods also analyses the cosmetics brands' demand for RFID technology anti-counterfeiting security system, then proposes a security system based on RFID technology for brand cosmetics. The system is based on a typical distributed RFID tracking and tracing system which is the most widely used system-EPC system. This security system based on RFID technology for brand cosmetics in the paper is a visual information management system for luxury cosmetics brand. It can determine the source of the product timely and effectively, track and trace products' logistics information and prevent fake goods and gray goods getting into the normal supply chain channels.