Visible to the public The Design of Brand Cosmetics Anti-counterfeiting System Based on RFID Technology

TitleThe Design of Brand Cosmetics Anti-counterfeiting System Based on RFID Technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMa, T., Zhang, H., Qian, J., Liu, S., Zhang, X., Ma, X.
Conference Name2015 International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers
Keywordsanalysis and design, anticounterfeiting security system, authentication, brand cosmetics anticounterfeiting system, cosmetic, cosmetics, cosmetics brand distribution channels, counterfeit goods, Databases, digital authentication security technology, distributed RFID tracking, fake goods, false security phenomena, gray goods, hard security phenomena, Information management, luxury cosmetics brand, nonsecurity phenomena, product logistics information tracing, product logistics information tracking, production engineering computing, pubcrawl170112, Radiation detectors, radiofrequency identification, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, RFID technology, sales methods, security, supply chain channels, supply chain management, Supply chains, system-EPC system, visual information management system

The digital authentication security technology is widely used in the current brand cosmetics as key anti-counterfeiting technology, yet this technology is prone to "false security", "hard security" and "non-security" phenomena. This paper researches the current cosmetics brand distribution channels and sales methods also analyses the cosmetics brands' demand for RFID technology anti-counterfeiting security system, then proposes a security system based on RFID technology for brand cosmetics. The system is based on a typical distributed RFID tracking and tracing system which is the most widely used system-EPC system. This security system based on RFID technology for brand cosmetics in the paper is a visual information management system for luxury cosmetics brand. It can determine the source of the product timely and effectively, track and trace products' logistics information and prevent fake goods and gray goods getting into the normal supply chain channels.

Citation Keyma_design_2015