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Bellare, Mihir, Dai, Wei.  2017.  Defending Against Key Exfiltration: Efficiency Improvements for Big-Key Cryptography via Large-Alphabet Subkey Prediction. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :923–940.

Towards advancing the use of big keys as a practical defense against key exfiltration, this paper provides efficiency improvements for cryptographic schemes in the bounded retrieval model (BRM). We identify probe complexity (the number of scheme accesses to the slow storage medium storing the big key) as the dominant cost. Our main technical contribution is what we call the large-alphabet subkey prediction lemma. It gives good bounds on the predictability under leakage of a random sequence of blocks of the big key, as a function of the block size. We use it to significantly reduce the probe complexity required to attain a given level of security. Together with other techniques, this yields security-preserving performance improvements for BRM symmetric encryption schemes and BRM public-key identification schemes.

Bellare, Mihir, Hoang, Viet Tung, Tessaro, Stefano.  2016.  Message-Recovery Attacks on Feistel-Based Format Preserving Encryption. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :444–455.

We give attacks on Feistel-based format-preserving encryption (FPE) schemes that succeed in message recovery (not merely distinguishing scheme outputs from random) when the message space is small. For \$4\$-bit messages, the attacks fully recover the target message using \$2textasciicircum1 examples for the FF3 NIST standard and \$2textasciicircum5 examples for the FF1 NIST standard. The examples include only three messages per tweak, which is what makes the attacks non-trivial even though the total number of examples exceeds the size of the domain. The attacks are rigorously analyzed in a new definitional framework of message-recovery security. The attacks are easily put out of reach by increasing the number of Feistel rounds in the standards.